World of Owls

Collection of Owls

Owl of the Month

Owls in Europe Garden of Owls

Owl Games






  European Owls

Names in different Languages

English German Latin French Dutch Italian Spanish Swedish
Great Grey Owl Bartkauz  Strix nebulosa Chouette laponne Laplanduil Gufo delle Lapponia Cárabo Lapón Lappuggla
Ural Owl Habichtskauz Strix uralensis Chouette de l'Oural Oeraluil Alloco degli Urali Cárabo uralense Slaguggla
Tengmalm's Owl Rauhfusskauz Aegolius funereus Chouette de Tengmalm Ruigpootuil Civetta capogrosso Lechuza de Tengmalm Pärluggla
Barn Owl Schleiereule Tyto alba Chouette effraye Kerkuil Barbagianni Lechuza común Tornuggla
Snowy Owl Schneeeule Bubo scandiaca Chouette harfang Sneeuwuil Chivetta delle nevi Buho nival Fjälluggla
Hawk Owl Sperbereule Surnia ulula Chouette épervière Sperweruil Ulula Lechuza gavilana Häkuggla
Pygmy Owl Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum Chouette chevêchette Dwerguil Civetta nana Mochuelo chico Sparvuggla
Little Owl Steinkauz Athene noctua  Chouette chevêche Steenuil Civetta Mochuelo (común) Minervas uggla
Short-eared Owl Sumpfohreule Asio flammeus Hibou des marais Velduil Gufo di palude Lechuzo campestre Jorduggla
Eagle owl Uhu Bubo bubo Hibou grand-duc Oehoe Gufo reale Buho real Berguv
Tawny Owl Waldkauz Strix aluco Chouette hulotte Bosuil Alloco Cárabo (común) Kattuggla
Long-eared owl Waldohreule Asio otus Hibou moyen-duc Ransuil Gufo comune Buho chico Hornuggla
Scops Owl Zwergohreule Otus scops Hibou petit-duc Dwergooruil Assiolo Autillo Dvärguv